Photon Energy NV and fully-owned subsidiary „Photon Energy Investments NV” announce intention to merge

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Amsterdam, 3 June 2014 – Photon Energy NV and fully-ownedsubsidiary „Photon Energy Investments NV“ announce the intention tomerge the subsidiary with the mother holding company. The intentionto merge was officially announced today and is expected to takeeffect in early July 2014. The management expects no significantchanges for shareholders and bondholders. Photon Energy NV willbecome legal successor and take over all obligations towardsbondholders of Photon Energy Investments NV.

The management of global solar energy solutions company PhotonEnergy NV and its fully-owned subsidiary Photon Energy InvestmentsNV, both headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands, announced todaythat they intend to merge the subsidiary „Photon Energy InvestmentsNV“ with the mother company. The merger is planned for early July2014. 

„The merger will significantly lower our operating expenses andimprove the value-adding exploitation of synergies within thegroup“, explains CEO Georg Hotar. „PEINV’s portfolio of 26 powerplants in four countries will now be owned directly by PhotonEnergy NV“, Hotar added.

All necessary documents to go ahead with the merger have beendeposited with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam. 

Photon Energy NV is a publicly listed company with shares beingtraded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Photon Energy Investments NVplaced a corporate bond in Central Europe last year, which istraded on several stock exchanges in Germany and Austria. PhotonEnergy NV, as legal successor, will take over all obligationstowards the bondholders. Special FAQ pages have been set up on thewebsites of both companies.

„The coupon will be paid on the same dates announces and we willkeep to the extremely high standards of reporting which we have setourselves“, CEO Georg Hotar reassures investors. „The bond willalso continue to be traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt,Berlin, Hamburg-Hannover and in the Corporates Prime Segment ofVienna Stock Exchange“, Hotar adds.

Photon Energy Investments currently owns and runs power plantsin the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Australia and hasrecently launched its Australian subsidiary Photon EnergyGeneration Australia (PEGA). PEGA offers customers revolutionarytailor-made financing options for solar power plants and iscurrently developing three solar installations in Australia.

The FAQ can be found here

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